So I have this fear in life. It really is not a fear of failure. I have failed so many times that I have learned how to pick myself up pretty well. I have this fear that I will over promise and under produce. That my words and actions will not line up. I understand that from time to time we all fall short. We all fall victim to this, but I do not want to be known for this. I want to be able to back up what I say.

If I say it I want people to know that I will do it.

I do not want to say something just because I know that it is something they want to hear.

I want to be someone that my friends can count on.

My priorities should come out in my actions; not my words.

There is not a worse feeling in the world than having someone you count on let you down. I know that I have let people down, and that kills me. My prayer is that my words are not meaningless.

Friday, June 18, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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