Find the root

You can try as hard as you to deal with the funk that comes up and affects parts of your life but you will never really deal with it until you deal with the root. The real cause of it. That thing that you have not let go of. The issue that you can not seem to shake. The bitterness that has taken hold of your life and it slowly eating away at your soul. If you are going to really fight the funk then those are things you have to deal with. If you are only trying to deal with what you see on the surface then the roots are spreading and it will begin to show up in all areas of your life.

Dealing with root issues can be messy. You can not be afraid to get your hands dirty. You will have to dig deep. Deep inside your heart to the area where you do not let anyone else in. You will not like what you find, that is why you have kept in buried there. I guarantee you that if you deal with the roots that you find, the funk will be taken care of.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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