Am A Control Freak

I have a confession to make, I am a control freak. I have a tendency to be a micro-manager. This is something that God is dealing with me about. Feeling like I have to have my hand in everything. If I do not do it, it will not be done right.

I am out of place and out of the plan of God when I am in control. When I think I have to be the one in control, I am saying that I do not trust anyone else around me to do the things that I can do. The funny thing is that when I hold on to control things usually get worse instead of getting better. Here are some other things that I have found when I was in control:
  • When I am in control, God is not.
  • When I am in control, people can not become who God called and created them to be.
  • When I am in control, my leadership foundation shrinks.
  • When I am in control, I get the glory for the victories instead of God.
  • When I am in control, I can fix it and do not need God.
  • When I am in control, everyone loses.

Monday, November 9, 2009 Posted in | | 1 Comments »

One Responses to "Hello, My Name Is Eric and I..."

  1. Unknown says:

    just like your mama!!! :)