Leadership is something that I have been wrestling with lately.  Leadership is a fascinating thing.  Leadership is something that can be learned better than taught.  Leadership is something that everyone has the ability to do but some chooses not to.  My father never read a John Maxwell book or attended a seminar on leadership but yet was one of the greatest I have ever met.  People will follow him into any situation and listen to anything that he says.

I reference my father, not just because I love him, but he is the picture of leadership.  He also showed me that you do not have to read 100's of book on leadership or listen to great motivational speakers to be able to lead.  He showed me all you have to do is choose.  Choose to be a leader.

This week I want to look at a few things that leadership is all about:

Leadership is being out front - you can not lead from the rear.  You have to be the one out front, leading the way, taking the shots.  A good leader knows how to pull certain qualities out of the people around him or her, but is never pushy.  You can not lead anyone where you have never been yourself.  A leader writes the map for the people that follow, but never gets too far ahead because you do not want to loose anyone.

Leadership is being consistent - it can never be hit and miss.  A leader is steady, they do not just have a good day here and there.  They do not have streaks, people that are streaky have just as many bad ones or lazy ones as good ones.  Leaders can lead just as effective from the valley as they can the mountain top.

Leadership is talking less and doing more - you are graded as a leader not by what you say, but rather by what you do.  A leader listens more than they talk and speaks louder with their actions than with their words.  Someone should not have to tell you how good of a leader they are, they should be showing you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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