This week we are talking about what leadership is -
Leadership is taking risks - their is no room in leadership for playing it safe. The bigger the risk the bigger the reward. Jesus did not save us and call us to be wimpy or spineless. There is an element of excitement in the adventure that is leadership. Your call and your life should excite you, if it does not excite you, you will not excite others. People want to follow passionate people.
Leadership is empowering people but expecting excellence - if you are doing it all yourself then you are not leading anyone. Leadership is not only empowering people but requiring the same amount of excellence that you require out of yourself.
Leadership is being one step ahead - Wayne Gretzky, when asked the secret of his success in hockey, said that when other went to where the puck was, he went to where the puck was going. Reading situations and understanding circumstances is a huge aspect of what a leader does.
Leadership is knowing yourself - the internal battle is sometimes the hardest one to fight. The best way to keep yourself in check is to know yourself. Know your emotions, know your strengths and even know your weaknesses.
Monday, January 26, 2009
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