I am currently in a season of my life where God is teaching me how to wait on Him. Not everything has worked out according to my timeframes and I am trying not to be impatient or even frustrated. I know that God has a plan for my life, but my human nature is to want it immediately rather than wait for His perfect timing.

Waiting cultivates new characteristics in our lives. It has taught me how to completely trust God and not be surprised when he comes through for me. It has also reminded me of the goodness of God and how I should never take that for granted. Waiting is also creating a more patient heart in me that is becoming a little slower to anger and worry. I know that while I wait, I have no idea of the miracles God is working on my behalf.

Pastor Steven spoke yesterday on being able to close your eyes and see the dreams and visions God has given you. I am being challenged everyday to connect with God and see through his eyes rather than feel frustrated with my current circumstances. What are you waiting on God to do in your life? Are there people or events you are learning to wait for? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and see what God has promised you and hold onto it!

Sunday, October 19, 2008 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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