We’ve all heard “friends don’t let friends _____”. Drive drunk, pop their collars, hold hands…
The Bible calls us to be true friends who love deeply (Rom 12). But what is a true friend? Someone who weeps when you weep, laughs when you laugh, listens when you vent? These are all certainly traits of a true friend, but when I dig deeper than my 2nd grade Sunday school class (sorry Mrs. Bonnie), I begin to wonder what this should look like in my day-to-day.
What if I practiced “playing second fiddle”, letting my friends have the spotlight? What if I didn’t try to top a joke that my sister tells or wear a dress slightly prettier than my friend’s? What if I listened more than I speak and encouraged my friends more than I complain along with them? What if I prayed for others more than I pray for my own needs? What if I truly grasped a selfless mindset and servant’s heart? How different would my attitude and actions be?
…I’d probably have more friends… and Mrs. Bonnie would be proud.
Thats really true....I think Mrs. Bonnie would be very proud. (plus, you'll never top my jokes)