Over the last couple of weeks God has been dealing with me about fear. I am not talking about a fear of snakes or a fear of heights. I am talking about life fears. I do not care who you are, we all have things that scare us about life, the future, and the unknown parts of the journey that we are on. I believe that on some levels fear is healthy. I believe it is fear that causes us to really step back and look at things differently some times. It is a healthy fear that pulls back the reigns on our lives and cause us to walk cautiously into certain situations.

When fear begins to paralyze you it begins to be unhealthy. Unhealthy fear puts us on the defensive in life instead of the offensive. We begin to move backwards instead of forward. When unhealthy fears strike us, our first instinct is to run to our "safe" place. For many of us, our safe place is the past. It is the way things used to be. That is another blog for another day. God has called us to constantly move forward.

I have heard Pastors preach for years that the Bible says, "Fear not..." 365 times. One "fear not" for everyday of the week. But in the real world, where I live, hearing it preached and even reading it sometimes does not cut it. There are days that the fears override and control my thoughts and emotions. There are days that my fears override my faith. The only solution is the simple fact that I can not slow down. I can not stop. I have to press through no matter how much I do not want to.

This week I am going to write about some of my fears in life and in ministry and how I handle them.

Monday, September 15, 2008 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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