Had a thought this morning. I asked myself who really had control of my life. The good Sunday School answer is GOD. He is in control. How could think about anyone or anything else being in control. I am not talking about the absence of choice and free will. I am talking about who is in charge or who is responsible for my life. Am I depended on myself? Do I have all the answers? Just questions I seem to asking lately. The answer is no. Not just because it is the "Christian" answer but it is true.

Most of the time we try to take control of our situations and our life because we do not feel like God has done a good enough job with it. He does not have a best interest in mind. We do not trust Him. Life has gone dark around us and we take ourselves out of the hand of the only one who can truly see. That means we only serve God for what He can do for us. We only have a relationship with Jesus for what He can give us.

For Him to have control means that He has control in the good and the bad. In the rain and the sun. He has my heart no matter what happens. My hand is in His hand not the only way around. It is Him who guides me, not me guiding Him.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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