Here are some quotes from people I follow on twitter that really stirred me this week.

@BrianCHouston - The LESS you focus on your lack, and MORE you know your source; the MORE miracles you'll see, and LESS daunting it'll be!

@craiggroeschel - We are faith-filled, big thinking, bet-the-farm risk takers. We’ll never insult God with small thinking and safe living.

@MarkBatterson - I don't care how much u know. how teachable are u? teachability trumps knowledge every time!

@bennyperez - Distractions on the outside create distortions on the inside. Keeping my eyes on Jesus the Author and Finisher of my Faith. Rest in Him.

@AndyStanely - We fear the consequences of confession because we've yet to experience the consequences of concealment.

Thursday, July 29, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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