I just want to share some of my thoughts out of Psalms as I read through it over the next couple of months:

v1 - Counsel = influence. Who or what am I allowing to influence my life? Influence matters because it is what shapes me. Influence is the people or things that we place an importance on. I have to guard my influences.

v2 - You can not delight in what you are not reading. The Word of God can not permeate my mind if I am not putting it there.

v3 - The proof is in the fruit or the lack of fruit. Fruit is the evidence of what is in the inside of us. It will come out. Our fruit shows us where we are planted and how deep our roots are.

v5 - If I am standing in God and with God then there is nothing that I walk through or go through that will cause me not to stand.

v6 - I am grateful that God is always watching over me.

Sunday, July 4, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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