On My Dreams

Anyone that has ever done anything HUGE in life first had big dreams. Before you can accomplish anything you have to see it first. People who dream are disturbed people, they have seen what God has called them to and will not settle for anything less. God is a creative God, with one word He spoke the world into existence. That same God created us in His image and we have access to His creativity.

There are people who dream at night with their eyes closed and bodies still, then there are dangerous dreamers who dream with their eyes wide open and are constantly moving. You see when we dream we have God ideas, we have good ideas, and then we have our ideas. Some times we dream with our own agenda in mind. We dream with a motive. There are some questions that I ask myself that act as a filter:

Who gets the glory for this?

Can I accomplish this without God?

Will people think I am crazy(if no, then it might not be from God)?

Does this dream scare me?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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