Where are you going?  Even if you do not think so your life is heading somewhere.  Where?  What path are you on and where is it going to take you?  I am convinced now more than ever that every decision effects the path that I am on.  Every actions will move me forward or backwards on the road that I am traveling.  It may even take me to another road.  When we start taking for granted the small decisions, they will start taking us down a road we do not want to go.

  • If you have to chosen a destination then you are going nowhere.
  • If you are not paying attention to your direction you will get off course.
  • If you are somewhere you did not plan on being and do not know how to get out of you are lost.
  • If you are not planning ahead then you are not planning on doing much when you arrive.
  • If you are not enjoying the path that you are on, then you are on the wrong one.
You are going somewhere or you are going nowhere in life.  The choice is yours.  Hows the journey working out for you?

Monday, July 13, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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