Hello world! I am back on the blogging kick after a break. There is an issue that has been introspectively challenging my existence. All of the recent rain and dreary days here in Georgia have led me to new insight. In the absence of sunny days, I have noticed my mood diminishing and my energy level nose-diving. Being trapped inside has not been fun for me. I feel like the days are being wasted. I understand that we need rain to survive and it's vital to life, but the excess is not my preference.

How many people live in an emotional and spiritual rainy season for a long period of time? God has increased my awareness of the plight of others. When the rainy season comes, several things come into play that prolong the dreary season, in my opinion.

1. A sense of hopelessness takes over after a few days. You long for the sunshine, but can't fathom a sunny day.
2. A sense of boredom and monotony leave an abundance of time to dwell on happier days when the sun was abundant.
3. A sense of entrapment that causes you to retreat into your comfort zone and refuse to come out until the season transforms into a brighter time.
4. A sense of over-protection to preserve yourself from the rainy season. You don't want to lose anything valuable, so you don't let anyone close to you.

The Bible says that Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. In today's society, circumstances and life happen, whether we are prepared or unprepared. I believe that Satan uses these rainy seasons to isolate us and make us feel alone and hopeless. Jesus came to bring light and peace and hope and happiness to those in relationship with him. Yet, we all pass by people every day and we don't contemplate the season they are in.

What season are you in? What can you do to help those who find themselves in the rainy season? Sometimes, just the thought that someone cares is enough to push back the darkness in someone's circumstances.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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