Yesterday was a 16 hour day. Today will be a longer day and I do not want to even start to think about Saturday. This weekend we are going to smoke a couple hundred chickens that have been sold to help send a team from Thrive to Bogota Colombia. When all is said and done there will be a lot of people that will be worn out and exhausted. When days like these come and life gets crazy, everything sometimes becomes a blur. Tunnel vision kicks in. I have to tendency to loose focus.
Loose sight of the things that are important. Forget what is the reason behind the things that we are doing. We are not just smoking chickens and raising money. We are going to a different country where we do not speak there language and meet people we have never met before to share a love that will change their life. It is not about the stress or the late night. It is the life changes that we will see.
When life gets crazy we have got to keep our focus. It will be the only thing that keeps us going. It will be the only thing that drive us. You better know why it is you do what you do and it can not be about you.
Friday, May 29, 2009
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