Well, as of today I have lived for 31 years. Wow, I can honestly say that it just hit me. I am 31. I know that age is just a number, but for some strange reason I could never fathom me being in my 30's. I do not know what is going to happen when I hit my 40's and 50's. I just wanted to take some time this week and share some thoughts I have accumulated over the last 31 years.
- I need to spend less time worrying about what others think about me and letting others dictate my life. I need to spend more time being who God created me to be and doing what He called me to do.
- The older I get, the fewer people I trust. I have not figured out why I make other people pay for the hurts and pains inflicted on me by other people.
- I am so grateful to God for the family that He has placed me with. He could have placed me anywhere in time with any family and He chose mine.
- People who do not have friends are people who are miserable. God has given me some of the greatest friends in the world.
- There are very few regrets in my life. I learned at an early age about the power of choice and the ability to understand the outcomes.
- If we can change this generation, then we will change the world. I want to work with students for a long time. Being a Youth Pastor is more than a job, it is my life.
- I am tired of being fat. It is easy on your end just to tell me to watch what I eat and exercise. It is not that easy sometimes.
- I want to make a difference in the world. There are days where I feel extremely insignificant and inadequate. There are days where I feel extremely overwhelmed. But there are those rare days where I sit back and enjoy my life.
- Leadership is caught more than taught. I have learned more by watching great leaders than in any book I have ever read.
- It is better to act and not react to situations in life.
- There is never enough time in the day, so you should do what you can, while you can, as long as you can.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
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