As leaders in Youth Ministry our students are unedited versions of us.
What does that mean? Unedited versions of us? It means, who we are when no one else is looking. Who we are when we are alone. The students that you are pouring into will not only pick up your traits that you want them to, but they will also inherit the characteristics you are not proud of. They will adopt some things out of your life that only you and God know about.
This idea became a reality to me a couple of years ago. Walking with some students through different aspects of their life and having to correct some students about things they were dealing with, caused me to take a long look in the mirror. I was noticing that a lot of the things that the students were dealing with was amplified versions of the things that I was dealing with personally.
At that moment I had a HUGE reality check. It really caused me to evaluate my life, my relationships, my actions, and my walk with Jesus. No matter what level of leadership you are in this principal is true. If it is found in your life, it will come out in your ministry. The opposite is true as well, if there is a lack in your life, there will be a lack in your ministry.
What does the unedited version of you look like?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
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