1440. That is how many minutes are in a day. The average person is conscious for 960 minutes of the day. Over the last couple of days I have found myself playing catch up quite a bit. I have found myself trying to find a way to add more hours to my days. It has me questioning how affective am I being at seizing every opportunity.

Leonard Ravenhill once said that the opportunity of a lifetime can only be seized in the lifetime of an opportunity. Those words are ringing in my soul very loudly. I have found myself caught up in the chaos of my day and missing opportunities that God is placing in front of me.

Tonight I will go to bed tired and worn out from the busyness that I tried to call a productive day. Tomorrow I will wake up to a fresh 960 minutes that God has set before me. Will I respond or react? Will I look or will I see? Will I listen or will I hear? Will I steer my day or allow it to run me? How will I seize the opportunity of a lifetime tomorrow?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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