Last week I blogged about the people that I needed in my life and thought it would be a good idea to write about the people I do not need in my life this week.
The User - the person that only has a friendship with you to get something from you. They are consumers, they take take and take some more. When they have used you all up they are done with you.
The Snot - the person that nothing is ever good enough. They think they are better than everyone else and above everyone else as well. They place such a high value on their life that it belittles everyone else around them.
The Wimp - the one that is scared of a fight. They will not stand up under opposition, or fight for a cause. They will usually take both sides just to keep away from conflict. The problem with these people is they do not know what they stand for themselves.
The Self-Centered - the one that thinks the entire universe revolves around them. Every decision they make has a personal agenda. They have not learned yet that a selfish person's world gets smaller every day.
The Passionless - the unmotivated, the one without a cause. These are the people that will not get fired up about anything. They are passionate about being passionless. They usually have no direction and can not be counted on to the lead anything.
The Insane - the person that does the same thing over and over again and expects the results to be different. They never change their methods of operation but yet expect the outcome to change. These are the people that usually stay frustrated and annoyed.
The Narrow Minded - the person that has not changed the way they think since the 6th grade. They will not negotiate anything in life because they do not know what their non-negotiables are.
The Flake - the ungrounded, unrooted person that thinks they have to speak to every situation or problem like they are an expert. They refuse to take advice or wisdom from anyone else and will not be accountable either.
Monday, November 17, 2008
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Very interesting. Something to reflect on when considering a best friend!