Lately, God has been really stretching me. I have been praying and asking myself what success looks like in Student Ministry in today's generation. I had this original thought about a year ago but it has been stirring in my soul again this weekend so I thought I would write about it. I have been taking a deep look at how a student today will gauge the success of a Youth Pastor.

Disclaimer: This is my opinion. it will not be correct all the way across the board. Some of the ages will crossover and culture and background will play a huge part as well. You can disagree with me.

The "builder generation," born between 1925-1945, gauges the success of a minister by their ability to communicate. They will deem him successful by how well they can preach. If you listen closely you will hear this in the way that they title a minister. "Hey preacher, that was a good sermon today." Their ability to preach the gospel with power and authority is the key to success for them. I believe that is why tent revivals and camp meetings were so successful.

The "boomer generation," born between 1946 - 1965 and Generation X, born between 1966 - 1979, gauges the success of a minister by their ability to lead. You will often hear a shift in their title, they have shifted from preacher - to pastor. They are still affective communicators, but their knowledge of leadership has to be broader. I believe this was the reason for the birthing of the mega-church and the corporate model leadership in a church. Revivals have given way to conferences and Evangelists have given way to Consultants.

The Millennials, born 1979 and on will not gauge success like any other generation. They will gauge the success of a minister by relationship. They will look at a minister's relationship with people and with Jesus: How transparent and honest they were, how approachable they were, how relational they were. I believe this generation doesn't care how good you can preach or how many John Maxwell books you have read, they want to know that you love them and care about them. They want to see you walk out your Faith in everyday life. They do not care about the size of your church but the size of your heart.

These are just some thoughts and opinions I am having. How do you judge success?

Monday, October 27, 2008 Posted in | | 2 Comments »

One Responses to "Success"

  1. Chas says:

    Eric, great post. some comments ...
    the reason why each is shaped is due to culture: i.e. builders: everything was communicated indirectly:either through newspaper, radio or phone, so voice communication was key. Also, the wave of revivalism was in this period: billy sunday and the like. I think boomer and gen x are different... but boomer is pastors as tv brings visual connections into the home. Gen x to me would be the more of a transition link that is distinct from either boomer and millenials since gen x contain the a little of both...i.e. the need for discipleship and disdain for positions, etc.. Finally millenials to me would be "discipler" for a word to go with terms for leaders, due to the need for realness in internet, terrorism. Finally, I think that millenials want a blend of the three, effective communication, effective caring, and effective relationship:...sounds like discipleship huh..funny how it is going this way.

    Love the post
    Charlie Allo

  1. Eric says:

    Charlie - thanks dude. Great addition and lots of food for thought. Keep doing what you do!