Today was a looonnnggggg day. Traveling this weekend wore me out. Paige and I both were like zombies walking around the house tonight. We ate supper early and I a decided I was going to take a little nap. I know, nap time at 6:30 p.m. is strange, but I was tired of fighting to keep my eyes open. As I was slipping in and out of reality, a siren started blaring outside. It took me a minute or so to recognize it. It was the tornado siren. It was warning us that a bad weather system was coming through and there was a tornado warning in our area.
Paige and I both got up and started making preparations for bad weather. She started getting out the candles and a lighter, just in case the lights went out. I went and turned the air-conditioner down so it would be cold in the house, so when the power went out we would not sweat to death. I guess you know where my priorities are. Then, we pulled our vehicles fully under the carport to keep them away from falling limbs or hail. It took us about 15-20 minutes, but we were fully prepared.
The storms missed us, but we were ready for them. I sat there for a couple of minutes after the adrenaline stopped pumping. It was then that I remembered something a Pastor told me one time. "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." How true is that? I have seen it time and time again. The bad weather missed us, the power did not go out, but we were ready for it.
I am just crazy enough to believe that God gives us everything we need to be prepared for any situation that we are in or will walk through. I guess the question that should be asked is what we are doing for our part of the preparation? Spending time in prayer, reading His word, listening to people who God has called and anointed with wisdom to help us walk through this life?
Are you preparing or failing to prepare?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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