
I've preached on it for years. Talked about how we are never more like Christ than when we forgive the ones that hurt us. Unforgiveness is a slow cancer that eats away at your soul.

We know all of this but my question is why is it so hard? Why isn't it as easy as it looks?

How do you forgive someone when they do not want forgiveness? When they believe they have not done anything wrong? Why do we keep going back to the same issue time and time again, after we have already processed it and dealt with it?

We want revenge, we want them to feel our pain. We want them to take responsibility for their actions and suffer like we have.

Knowing our tendencies and emotions does not make feeling that way right. We have to forgive. If someone has wronged us forgive them, and if that emotion comes back tomorrow forgive them then too. If it comes back the next day forgive them again. Do it as many times as you have to. Forgiveness is sometimes a process.

Forgiveness is about trust. It is not trusting that person will not hurt you again, it is trust that God is in control and He will take care of you and the situation.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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