Friday, March 12, 2010
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Trust is more than a word it is a lifestyle. Trust is a gift that you give to someone else. Trust is the confidence that some one will never fail you. It is not necessarily the guarantee that you will never be let down or disappointed. Trust is broken when someone on the receiving end of the gift abuses it. Once trust is broken it is hard to build back again and we struggle to give that gift to anyone else.
This morning I have this overwhelming trust in God. That He is in control. That I did not have to tell the sun to rise the morning or will not have to tell it to set this evening. Everything is His and He has it all in His hands. Good, bad, or indifferent I choose to trust God. Trust is choice and it is a choice I will make today. Will you?
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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Pastor Steven, Pastor David, and myself spent the day Thursday in Anderson, SC for New Springs Unleash Conference. Here are some afterthoughts and quotes:
- I enjoyed spending the day with friend as much as I did the conference itself.
- "Jesus did not die on the cross for you to collect a paycheck."
- The hospitality and attitude from the volunteers at New Spring is incredible. It is hard to describe with words.
- "Somebody is going to take a risk and jump, it might as well be the church."
- Everything that was done was done with such excellence, from the set, to worship, to the lanyards, to even the information booklets.
- It was an atmosphere that is easy to dream in.
- Perry Noble laid it out real plain for us all. Some people may not agree with the style of his speaking but he is real and says what everyone is thinking.
- Being in the Youth Breakout Session was really good. Cause me to brainstorm and think about some things.
- Loved praying over my Pastor and his family at the end.
- There is no way to put on a blog what all I got out of this day.
- Can not wait for the Leadership Conference in the fall. Looking forward to hanging out with Barbara and Stephanie for the day.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
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Have not blogged in several weeks. I did not do this on purpose but time has not been on my side the last couple of weeks.
Last weekend was awesome. God rocked Thrive at The Movement Conference (Youth Convention). So proud of the students that allowed God to do something awesome in their life.
Had an awesome Birthday Monday. Was blown away by all the Birthday wishes.
We close on our house in the next two weeks. Things will be pretty crazy for the next month. Our goal is to renovate and be moved in by the first of April.
Pastor Steven, Pastor David, and myself went to New Spring in Anderson, SC Thursday to Unleash '10. It was an awesome day and I will share some thoughts later on here.
I am really excited about Thrive's Leader Meeting tomorrow. We have a lot of really cool things coming up and I just love hanging out with those guys.
Watching cartoons this morning with Selena and Isaiah and I am wondering what happened to real cartoons?
Got lock away this week and sort some things out. Got to put some stuff that is rolling around in my brain and put it on paper.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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