One of my favorite people in the and one of the greatest Kid's Pastors in the entire world wrote a couple of posts about Santa Claus here and I wanted to weigh in. I have some thoughts about all the Big Guy from the North Pole:

He's a stalker - He sees you when you are sleeping, He knows when your awake. He knows when you've been bad or good. This dude is watching us all the time, that creeps me out.

He's a great burglar - He will come down your chimney and if you do not have a chimney he will get in your house some how. How has this guy not went to jail.

He is a fashion disaster - Big guys should not wear red, they look like the Kool-Aide guy. Black is more slimming.

He is a little strange - He lets little kids that he does not know sit on his lap and takes there pictures. When is that okay?

He might be a vampire - He only works at night. He is either going to star in the next Twilight saga or he is actually a repo man. Either way I do not think he's seen the sun.

He is an egomaniac - He announces to everyone when he is coming and he wants you to leave him treats.

He is actually evil - Santa and Satan has the same letters.

Whether you believe in him or not. Whether you choose to recognize him as a part of Christmas or not, Santa is fun. I do not believe that you are going to scar your kids by letting them believe. Hope you are having a great Christmas season.

Saturday, December 19, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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