It is less about about things and more about people.

People are the most precious commodity there is. You can make investment in anything else and it will be a bad investment. People are the only thing that we can take into eternity with us. Things break and rust, but people will change the world. So where do you place your value? What do you cherish the most?

If you do not have something please do not fake it.
I used to think that you could just fake it till you made it. That if you did not know the answer, just make something up. Never show any sign of weakness, never let them see you sweat. Everyone struggles some time with something. People are not looking for perfect people to be leaders, they are looking for people that do not have all the answers but know where to find them.

It is better to know your seasons that fight them.
You never see a tree trying keep it's leaves after the frost of Fall. You never see a healthy flower refuse to bloom. Yet we have a tendency when God is taking us through certain seasons we fight what He is trying to do. We need to understand that every season that God walks us through He is either trying to be put something in us or take something out of us. Like a woodworker that gently sands a block of wood to create his masterpiece, God is always working the rough edges off of our lives.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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