Have had a vacation hangover for the last couple of days. Really have not been motivated to do anything.

Gave a face lift to this site. Really happy with the new look. Think it is missing something though.

I have been slowly working on thriveyouthchurch.com. Having to restart it from scratch when my computer crashed.

I have GSOM this weekend. Two more classes after this month and I am eligible for Ordination.

Have loved the time off but I am ready to get back in the groove of things. I am ready for this coming up week.

Got to spend the week restructuring and rethinking some things. Love what God is doing in Thrive but we have to get ready for the next level. God has something big for us right around the corner. Perry Noble is right, "you can not plan a move of God but you can be prepared for it."

Feel like there is a risk that God is calling us to take. Big risk=big reward.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Saturday, September 19, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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