I am no where close to an expert on running. I can not run but about 10 minutes or so on the road without being wore out. I am getting better each week and able to go further and longer the more that I run. I just enjoy the exercise and I am always trying to learn from life.

One thing that I have learned is that I can actually go further than I think I can. I may only think I can run a little but I can dig deep and go a good bit further. I find myself asking two questions while I am running. First, can you breathe? Most of the time the answer is yes. Then, can you move your legs? Currently, yes. If the answer to both of those questions are affirmative then I keep going.

Same is true with you and I in life. Life gets pretty intense and there are days that we feel like we can not go any further, we can not make it another step. We need to slow down and ask ourselves two questions. Are you breathing? Did God allow you to wake up this morning? If so, then you can make. It is not going to be easy but He has put the strength and grace that you need to take another step. As long as you are breathing, keep going. Then, ask yourself which direction are you going in life. It has to be forward. There is no turning back now, you have come too far. There is no stopping, you can slow down but don't stop now.

Life can be rough, but keep going. You can actually make it further than you think you can. I believe in you.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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