If you are in ministry long enough there will be services and events that do not turn out like you were expecting. What is humorous to me is that when you get online and begin to read feeds on twitter and facebook, you see how everyone else's service blew up. How they had an awesome night, and record crowds. You never read about how people felt like failures because their numbers are down or they laid an egg with their message. You never see anyone tweet about how no one responded to the altar call. I have never seen anyone put on their status on Facebook about going through a disappointing season in ministry. I might be the only one who has those nights or has those seasons. I may be the only one who feels this way from time to time.

What do you do when you have services or events that you do not want to post about? What do you do when things do not turn out like you think they should? Glad you asked!

Find The Win: It is there somewhere, I promise. Look for the one positive. A student that connected that has not been connecting. Someone you see growing in their walk with Christ, someone who gave their heart to Christ. You can not celebrate what you can not see. Look for it.

Redefine Success: We can not judge the success of a ministry by week to week. It is long term. Remember we are called to produce fruit. Fruit is not grown over night, it takes time and cultivation. I believe we will never truly know the success of our ministries on this side of eternity. What do you consider a success? A life changed and lived for Christ or a room full?

Keep Going: Do not give in or give up. Dig deeper. Now is not the time to quit. It is in these times that we grow. A Minister will always grow before their Ministry grows. Be consistent.

Pray and Look: Seek God and pick up your magnifying glass. What could you do better? What aren't you doing that you could be doing? Do not look in a mirror per say, but ask a lot of questions.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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