Everyone of us are born with filters in our brain. As some of us get older our filters grow, we show self-control, and use wisdom. Then other's filters shrink and some even disappear. We look at these people and ask do they even think about what they say, do, or dream. This week I want to look at the areas of our life we need to place filters.

On My Words

There are people you know that what comes up comes out. If they think it they say it. I have been guilty of this from time to time. There has to be some kind of filter in place, you have to show some sort of self-control. The last thing you want is everyone around you think you are a fool and then you open your mouth and prove them right. Here are some questions I try ask myself before my thoughts hit my tongue:

Does what I am about to say really need to be said?

Will what I am about to say build someone up or tear them down?

Am I contributing to the conversation or not?

Does God get glory from what I say?

Is anyone really listening to what I am saying?

Do I really believe what I am saying?

We will talk about some things at the end of the week that will cause your filter to faultier. What are some things you might need to ask yourself before you open your mouth?

Monday, February 8, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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